Tungsten Carbide Rods

Hard Metal Rods

Tool steel manufac­tu­r­ers do not only require precision in terms of dimen­si­ons, grades and metall­ur­gi­cal proper­ties. They also need semi-finished products that adapt to the requi­re­ments of the working condi­ti­ons (such as humidity, cooling condi­ti­ons, etc.). We have decades of experi­ence in this field and always aim at finding the best way to improve the longevity and perfor­mance of your tools.

Our carbide rods for drills and end mills are charac­te­ri­sed by the following features:

  • Ground vs. unground
  • with cooling channels vs. smooth bars
  • Multiple cooling channels vs. single cooling channels
  • Spiral shaped channels vs. single shaped channels

Quality features

Tungsten carbide forms a matrix that is ideal for machining and tool appli­ca­ti­ons due to its high resis­tance to tempe­ra­ture fluctua­tions and thermal shocks.

Our customers' end mills and solid carbide drills must meet the highest demands: maximum perfor­mance in combi­na­tion with optimum tool life and easy machina­bi­lity - even with complex geome­tries.
Talk to us about your specific requi­re­ments and wishes so that we can offer you a custo­mi­sed product for your indivi­dual application.