Tungsten Carbide Blades

Appli­ca­tion and Components

Tungsten carbide cutting and splitting blades manufac­tu­red by powder metall­ur­gi­cal process are widely used for cutting non-ferrous metals, cardboard/​paper, chemical fibres, graphite and plastic. Due to its high hardness, wear resis­tance and corrosion resis­tance, tungsten carbide is the ideal material for any cutting tool.

The compon­ents of our tungsten carbide are WC (tungsten carbide, hard phase) and Co (cobalt, binder phase). The physical proper­ties and the alloys are deter­mi­ned by the grain size of the tungsten carbide and the percen­tage ratio of hard and binder phase, which enable different material qualities in different applications.

Slitting blades for corru­ga­ted board

Our slitting blades for corru­ga­ted board are one of our best-selling product lines. We offer suitable blades for all common machine types, featuring high perfor­mance and a fair price.

Blades for the printing industry

Another appli­ca­tion for our carbide products is the field of bookb­in­ding and paper proces­sing. Here again, our products are custo­mi­sed for indivi­dual requirements.

Blades for rewinding machines

These blades are one of our best products: they are fitted with tungsten carbide inserts (on one or both sides). Our bottom knives for rewinding machines are charac­te­ri­sed by high hardness, wear resis­tance and a long service life.

Splitting blades
for metal

Due to their high hardness, our metal splitting blades (for non-ferrous sheets) are ideal. Common sizes range from dia. 150 to dia. 340 mm; we are also happy to customise the dimen­si­ons to your specific requirements.

Blades for the lithium battery industry

Our high-precision cutting blades are ideal for this industry. They are made from subfine or superfine tungsten carbide powders. Thanks to powder metall­ur­gi­cal proces­sing and machining, our blades are charac­te­ri­sed by high precision and a long service life. Each blade is checked using a cutting edge test.

Fibre cutting blades

These blades can be used to cut polypro­py­lene and other plastic films, for example. As with our other products, these blades can also be custo­mi­sed for indivi­dual requirements.