About us


Human quality in the age of artifi­cial intelligence

Our begin­nings root back to the area of rolling mill access­ories and indus­trial packaging. Thanks to our excellent manufac­tu­r­ers, who are experts in their respec­tive fields, we were soon able to offer additio­nal products to comple­ment or expand our original range. The yardstick of perfor­mance for us is quality. All our products and services come from people who put their heart and soul into their work; therefore they are designed for people who still appre­ciate quality and service.

CATALLEA actively fights for sustainable produc­tion, environ­men­tal protec­tion and the abolition of child labor. However, we are strictly against the idea that these are just boxes to be ticked off within a general supplier quali­fi­ca­tion in order to then hypocri­ti­cally demand the lowest price. We want to raise awareness of the fact that fair condi­ti­ons can only be achieved with fair prices. We expressly reject any green­wa­shing of products. Every supplier we work with is subject to regular audits and controls by us so that we can ensure that our above-mentioned values can be achieved. Western moralism and a passive attitude are not goals we aspire to. For this reason CATALLEA develops and supports ideas for social projects. You are cordially invited to discuss relevant projects and contri­bu­ti­ons with us.