Strong solutions made of steel
and tungsten carbide

Strong solutions made of steel
and tungsten carbide

Tungsten Carbide Rings

Tungsten Carbide Rods

Tungsten Carbide Blades

Cast rolls and rings

We are living tradition

Whether idioms such as ‘as hard as steel’, ‘nerves of steel’, ‘from a single mould’ or ‘forge iron while it's hot’ - steel and metals have always been cultural assets whose influence continues to shape us today. Even in our highly technical world, steel and carbide continue to stand for strength, durabi­lity and versa­ti­lity. Our product range is tailored precisely to your requi­re­ments: whether for the automo­tive industry, the Construc­tion industry or special appli­ca­ti­ons - our solutions combine the highest quality with maximum effici­ency. Thanks to our many years of extensive expertise in this sector and our experi­ence with complex projects we provide you with products that make your life easier by optimi­sing your processes.