Tungsten Carbide Rings

Hard Metal Rings

Carbide rings are a powder metall­ur­gi­cal product and are generally used in the roughing to finishing stands of rod rolling mills as well as in the monoblock of wire rod mills, i.e. wherever the grooves and surfaces of the rings are exposed to extreme condi­ti­ons.

The rings must be selected according to the actual working condi­ti­ons. We recommend the right ring grades based on a detailed analysis and exami­na­tion of all available rolling parame­ters, e.g. plant type, rolling batches, rolling speed, cooling condi­ti­ons, proces­sing tempe­ra­ture and steel grades produced. Grades with a higher binder content have good strength and toughness, while grades with a low binder content generally have high hardness and good wear resis­tance.

Grades with a higher binder content have good strength and toughness, while grades with a low binder content generally have high hardness and good wear resistance.

Available qualities

We supply high-quality tungsten carbide rings for steel rolling mills. Our customers are amongst the leading companies in Europe.

Our carbide rings can be supplied in pure cobalt and mixed binder qualities. They are also available in various grain sizes. Rings for Kocks rolling mills and roller guides made of tungsten or titanium carbide round off our range. Thanks to state-of-the-art equipment and sintering techno­lo­gies from the USA and Germany, our partner produces more than 20 different grades in regular series as well as special grades developed speci­fi­cally for our customers' requi­re­ments. Our research and develo­p­ment facili­ties are constantly testing and evalua­ting new materials and compo­si­ti­ons to meet the ever-incre­asing quality requi­re­ments of our customers. In addition, we offer you our technical support in the optimi­sa­tion and further develo­p­ment of your rolling line.

We will find the best solution for your technical equipment. Please contact us to receive a custo­mi­sed offer.